
We are totally self-funded and receive no money from the government. So, we rely on the kindness of people to fundraise for our charity. Fundraising can be a really rewarding way to help the Samson Centre. Rest assured that every penny you raise will make a real difference to the lives of people affected by MS.

There are some simple ways you can help raise money with the click of a button! For example, why not link your Amazon account to the Samson Centre so that we benefit when you shop?

As well as helping us with street collections, ideas for fundraising include organising a coffee morning, cake sale, quiz, sponsored bike ride, run or row. Whatever you choose to do, we can support you by providing resources and information to help you communicate the impact your fundraising will have.

Do call us to discuss your ideas!

What can I do to help fundraise for the Samson Centre?

Please get in touch with the Centre Manager on 01483 459120 or via as there are many ways to fundraise e.g. taking part in a sponsored run/walk/swim/cycle for the Centre, holding a cake or plant sale, donating good quality items for Christmas raffles, taking part in our street collections, putting  us forward to be your charity of the year at work etc.

Can the Samson Centre provide running vests or similar for fundraising challenges?

Yes we can provide running vests, cycling shirts etc for your event as it is always good if you can wear a Samson Centre branded shirt.

Is there a particular person I can talk to about fundraising ideas?

Debbie Boulter is the Centre Manager on 01483 459120 .

Sam Smith is the Events Manager

Our programme fundraising events for 2024 is being finalised. Please call for details.

Alison, Claire, Laura and Maria are raising money by getting muddy !

25th April 2025

High Street Brands Fashion Show and Shopping

30th April 2025

Alison, Claire, Laura and Maria are raising money by getting muddy !

25th April 2025

High Street Brands Fashion Show and Shopping

30th April 2025

“Specialist support and care.”

“The combination of oxygen therapy and intensive physio, the amazing gym facilities.”

“Not funded by the NHS or the government, self-funded.”