The Centre

The Samson Centre is here to support anyone living with MS. We are often asked what stage you need to be at to benefit from our services and the answer is, any stage. From people who have been recently diagnosed and are looking for reassurance to people with progressive MS symptoms, we are here for you.

We believe that exercise helps people with MS to manage their symptoms, keeping them mobile and their muscles moving. For lots of people, oxygen therapy can also help to relieve some MS symptoms.

We are very fortunate to be able to offer physiotherapy, gym sessions and oxygen therapy all under one roof.

How we can help

“The Samson Centre combines health, sport and community.”

“The Samson Centre thinks outside the box, provides support and hope that conventional healthcare providers cannot.”

“The Samson Centre changed my life. If I hadn’t gone, I’d hate to think where I would be now.”

Chris Boys

“Moral and emotional support, as well as physical.”

“Support in a holistic sense, physical and emotional.”

Getting here

The Samson Centre is housed at the Waterside Centre, just outside Guildford.

Samson Centre for MS
Waterside Centre
Tel 01483 459120 (There is also an answerphone)
Get directions